Category Archives: Disgruntled
Gayle Gives an Alphabetical EffU!
17 year-old Gayle has a little letter for her ex (but not at all directed at his dog).
Fuck you and your mom and your sister and your job
And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art
Fuck you and your friends that I’ll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off
I swear I meant to mean the best when it ended
Even tried to bite my tongue when you start shit
Now you’re textin’ all my friends asking questions
They never even liked you in the first place
Dated a girl that I hate for the attention
She only made it two days, what a connection
It’s like you’d do anything for my affection
You’re goin’ all about it in the worst ways
I was into you, but I’m over it now
And I was tryin’ to be nice
But nothing’s getting through, so let me spell it out
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
And your mom and your sister and your job
And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art
Fuck you and your friends that I’ll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
You said you just needed space and so I gave it
When I had nothin’ to say you couldn’t take it
Told everyone I’m a bitch, so I became it
Always had to put yourself above me
I was into you, but I’m over it now
And I was tryin’ to be nice
But nothing’s getting through, so let me spell it out
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
And your mom and your sister and your job
And your craigslist couch and the way your voice sounds
Fuck you and your friends that I’ll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
And your mom and your sister and your job
And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art
Fuck you and your friends that I’ll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off
Source: MusixmatchSongwriters: Sara Davis / David Bruce Pittenger / Taylor Gayle Rutherfordabcdefu lyrics © Big Music Machine, Straight From The Art Music, National Dog Music, Songs Of Universal Inc., Three Minute Movies, Songs By Aras
John Lennon’s Eff U Letter to Linda & Paul McCartney

I was reading your letter and wondering what middle aged cranky Beatle fan wrote it. I resisted looking at the last page to find out -I kept thinking who is it – Queenie? Stuart’s mother?—Clive Epstein’s wife?—Alan Williams?—What the hell—it’s Linda!
You really think the press are beneath me/you? Do you think that? Who do you think we/you are? The ‘self-indulgent doesn’t realize who he is hurting’ bit—I hope you realize what shit you and the rest of my ‘kind and unselfish’ friends laid on Yoko and me, since we’ve been together. It might have sometimes been a bit more subtle or should I say ‘middle class’—but not often. We both ‘rose above it’ quite a few times—& forgave you two—so it’s the least you can do for us—you noble people.—Linda—if you don’t care what I say—shut up!—let Paul write—or whatever.
I’m not ashamed of the Beatles—(I did start it all)—but of some of the shit we took to make them so big—I thought we all felt that way in varying degrees—obviously not.
When asked about what I thought originally concerning MBE, etc.—I told them as best as I can remember—and I do remember squirming a little—don’t you, Paul?—or do you—as I suspect—still believe it all? I’ll forgive Paul for encouraging the Beatles—if he forgives me for the same—for being—‘honest with me and caring too much’! Fucking hell, Linda, you’re not writing for Beatle book!!!
Do you really think most of today’s art came about because of the Beatles?—I don’t believe you’re that insane—Paul—do you believe that? When you stop believing it you might wake up! Didn’t we always say we were part of the movement—not all of it?—Of course, we changed the world—but try and follow it through—GET OFF YOUR GOLD DISC AND FLY!

Don’t give me that Aunty Gin shit about ‘in five years I’ll look back as a different person’—don’t you see that’s what’s happening NOW!—If I only knew THEN what I know NOW—you seemed to have missed that point….
Excuse me if I use ‘Beatle Space’ to talk about whatever I want—obviously if they keep asking Beatle questions—I’ll answer them—and get as much John and Yoko Space as I can—they ask me about Paul and I answer—I know some of it gets personal—but whether you believe it or not I try and answer straight—and the bits they use are obviously the juicy bits—I don’t resent your husband—I’m sorry for him. I know the Beatles are ‘quite nice people’—I’m one of them—they’re also just as big bastards as anyone else—so get off your high horse!—by the way—we’ve had more intelligent interest in our new activities in one year than we had throughout the Beatle era.
Finally, about not telling anyone that I left the Beatles—PAUL and Klein both spent the day persuading me it was better not to say anything—asking me not to say anything because it would ‘hurt the Beatles’—and ‘let’s just let it petre out’—remember? So get that into your petty little perversion of a mind, Mrs. McCartney—the cunts asked me to keep quiet about it. Of course, the money angle is important—to all of us—especially after all the petty shit that came from your insane family/in laws—and GOD HELP YOU OUT, PAUL—see you in two years—I reckon you’ll be out then—in spite of it all, love to you both, from us two.
P.S. about addressing your letter just to me—STILL….!!!
John Lennon 1971
A Dangerous MeTooMuch Game!

Being a video game historian, I consider myself fairly well-versed in the early career of Nolan Bushnell, the man who created the first arcade video game, and then founded Atari and the video game industry with PONG. He ran Atari as part high-tech games company, part R&D technological think-tank and what might seem like part college fraternity… at least in the context of the usually staid business community. Atari was pretty much the template for the Silicon Valley start-up that tried to create a fun company “culture”, with hot-tubs on premises and giant beer keggers held in the parking lot, to encourage employees to forfeit a home-life and pour themselves into their work at all hours of the night and day.
But when the Game Developers Conference, the most storied of associations dedicated to the industry of video game creation, moved to honor Bushnell with their Pioneer award in 2018 for, you know, creating the entire industry, there was a backlash from feminists.
Most of this took place in the form of recollections from former male employees collected in various tomes about the history of video games, highlighting actions such as trying to goad a woman into a hot-tub during a “board meeting”, or the code-naming of various gaming systems with the names of various women around the office considered “good-looking”.
The GDC quickly rescinded its award to Bushnell in the face of this backlash. And in the wake of that, many actual women who had found a place to work in the technological industry at Atari came forward to voice their dismay at the disparagement of the man who gave them their start.
The following Facebook post comes from Loni Reeder, who worked at Atari in communications at corporate HQ from 1977 – 1979, dealing with every facet of the company. She is referencing Brianna Wu in her letter, one of the voices in the “GamerGate” movement attempting to highlight the lack of female diversity in game creation or within the games themselves:
“It started with a 38 year old disgruntled ‘uber feminist’ woman/game designer from Massachusetts running for Congress who had a less than stellar experience in the predominantly male-dominated video game space, resulting in what came to be known as ‘GamerGate.’
Using the ‘MeToo’ movement and a moment in time for which she had no firsthand knowledge…………
And with zero complaints lodged against Nolan or complaints about the work culture by employees working at Atari during that time………
And based on archival newspaper and magazine interviews with Nolan and others chatting about a work environment, time and culture that existed 40 years ago………
A work environment everyone – men and women – happily worked in TOGETHER… and partied in TOGETHER (or didn’t party in – there was no pressure and no judgement)…. an environment that has resulted in decades-long friendships, marriages, ‘little Atarians,’ business partnerships and frequent reunions……… providing us with amazing memories, and for most of us, spending the rest of our work careers attempting to replicate the MAGIC of the Camelot that we were lucky enough to work at.
By arming herself with a topical movement and being personally disgruntled and ‘offended’ by an environment existing 40 years ago which she played no part in – an environment she had ZERO first hand knowledge of………. and ‘intimating’ those of us who worked with or around Nolan, Al (Alcorn), the Gene’s (Lipkin and Landrum), Joe (Keenan), Steve (Bristow) and the rest of ‘Mahogany Row’ had been sexually assaulted, abused and disrespected by (in her estimation) abominations to the male species……
Yes, based on her political aspirations, personal assumptions and libellous accusations against a man where no complaints have been raised or filed – she made a big, unfounded noise against Nolan – and the ‘Pioneer Award’ honor was withdrawn.
Atari was a large corporation with many facilities… but I worked in Corporate Headquarters, interfaced with every department in the company as a part of Communications, Security and Facilities groups……. and in being ‘adopted’ by the Coin-op and Industrial Design groups, I also spent a great deal of time in the Engineering (‘hot tub’) building, which would be the two locations where most of the fun and craziness occurred.
From my vantage point and having a first-person perspective of this time and the Atari environment, what has been done to Nolan is falsely mischaracterizing him for a lifestyle that did no harm or wrong to anyone.
Nolan created a company environment which opened the doors to many women into a field where they were never included before: HI TECH. Nolan never discriminated on any level and gave everyone a chance to prove on their own merits that they could be a part of Atari. From soldering boards to building arcade cabinets, drawing schematics and artwork to working on the assembly line.
For me personally, Nolan was the final word in my being hired at Atari – my first full-time job after college… he continued his belief in me years later, when we cofounded uWink in Los Angeles where I became an ‘equally compensated’ Vice President.
Nolan never profiled a person by their gender as to whether or not they were a fit for the job. He based his decision on the person’s skill, ability and passion for the job – because of that belief, we always rose to the occasion! We were a bonded teamship… AND A FAMILY.
Atari also saw a woman – the amazing Carol Shaw – go on to fame!
For me, and I’m sure for other women who will weigh in……. while this ‘feminazi congresswoman wanna-be’ may believe she is doing ‘Atari womankind’ a favor, in reality, she has done us a disservice by creating victims where there were none.
Personally, I am extremely angered by her words and conduct in this matter… not just for Nolan, but for the women of Atari – all of us!
We ALL were, and remain to this day extremely strong and intelligent women…… and there isn’t any ‘man’ who would dare take advantage of us (not if they intended to procreate in the future!).
My other anger is the callous and unnecessary hurt I’m sure this matter has inflicted on Nancy and their kids and grandkids.
Finally… by not doing their due diligence before terminating the honor, the GDC did a disservice to Nolan, to my fellow Atarians – and to the truth.
Nolan was extremely gracious in this matter via his tweet… Hopefully the GDC will right this misstep on their part at some point in the future.”
Submitted by William Hunter thedoteaters.com
Image uploaded by CGR Publishing. Image content owned by Atari Corporation.
Your Life of Deceit and Denial.
I’m not sure where you stand, whether you’re still taking ‘time’. This just needs to be said.
Don’t worry boy. My anger won’t last long. I know your life is already your punishment. A 27 year old boy of mediocre accomplishment who’s incapable of true intimacy, who callously lies and cheats, who can’t hold down a job, who is in debt up to his eyeballs, who has few friends, who can’t support his children, who’s living in a shell of a real home, alone. Who isn’t even close to his dreams, who is insecure, who’s moral compass is broken, who’s dissatisfied with his life.
A woman comes along and tries to love him, encourage his dreams, and decides she’ll share her life with him. And he repays her with secrecy and lies, a breakup based on his own inability to get real, and tops it off by having an affair when things get too hard. Then tries to project onto his partner that she was the untrustworthy one. And tells her it was all about “not connecting anymore.” Complete bullshit!
This is who you are: a sad, selfish, devious little boy who moves from one person to another, putting on a face, having no real connections, lying to others, lying to himself.
Yes, I keep saying boy, because you are certainly not a man. You can’t have the title of a man when you can’t handle the responsibility of being one.
You don’t need to worry about me trying to get revenge or expose the real you, or humiliate you in anyway. I’ve better things to do with my time. Besides, you’re doing that all by yourself. Your entire life is one big humiliation. And no matter how much you deny it, you know it’s true.
You choose to let all this bullshit continue. If you wanted to change anything, you could. I know you well enough by now to know that when you want to do something, you do it. You’ve had plenty of time to reevaluate your situation and your actions, and the damage it does to yourself and other people. Why have you done nothing about it? And I don’t mean trolling online for new people or chasing meaningless relationships and sleeping around, because that’s childish. I mean taking action and making adult decisions. I can tell you why, because you’re a coward. You’re too scared to be yourself, too scared to face the truth of your actions, too scared to take any responsibility.
I’m not judging you, I don’t need to. You know what you’ve done. You know what you are. You have become everything you said you’d never be.
I know I haven’t been perfect, but I don’t regret what I’ve said or what I’ve done because no matter how ugly the truth, I’ve been honest, and quite frankly, you manipulated me. But I’ll be just fine.
You’re the one that has to live with the lies and guilt (if you actually have any). You know you’ve done wrong, but you’ll never admit it. That would mean admitting that you’re not the good guy you portray yourself to be, the guy you need to be seen as.
All this time I’ve been holding on, waiting on you to tell the truth, validate the truth we both know. I only now realise that I don’t need you to do that, I’ve seen all the truth I need to know. I don’t need you to validate anything for me, your words mean nothing because they’re blatant lies.
I’ll never be perfect, but I am a good person, even you know that. I can validate myself. I don’t need to use others for that.
You don’t truly value anyone or anything other than your good guy persona. You go ahead and keep living your life of deceit and denial, never having anything real. Go ahead and keep painting me the bad guy so you can be the good guy. I couldn’t care less, anyone who matters knows the truth. Go ahead and share this with your ‘mates’, have a laugh at my expense, I can take it. Just shows what a lowly cheap person you are.
So to make it perfectly clear. Yes, we are most definitely over. I don’t want you. You have nothing good to offer. Goodbye and fuck you very much.
I’ll leave you with this though…
Just imagine your daughter dating a guy like you…. How does that thought sit with you??
You may not care too much now about what you’ve done or how you continue to treat people, but I guarantee you’ll care if you ever have to wipe tears off your daughters face for those same reasons.
Eff U and Your Precious Glass Bong
To the Most Horrible Person I have ever met.
you know what? i regret my decision to be roommates with you. i’m tired of your shit, and i’m tired of you.
you’re a horrible person who seems to think everything is about or for you. your attitude of complete self-entitlement is at an intolerable level. you’re such a horrible person that your parents can’t even stand to be around you, that they show you “love” by sending you money. just because you’re a jewish-american prince who hails from the upper-east side does not mean that you are better than anyone. you’re not. i have honestly never met someone with such little consideration for other people. seriously, you never think about how your words or actions affect other people, nor do you seem to care.
take, for instance, our group of friends. when we first met, you seemed like a decent enough person, i actually enjoyed being friends with you. but as soon as the 4 of us agreed to room together, your true, ugly colors came out. we all agreed, since you were the only male, we all would get along so much better if you didn’t get involved with any of us. and what happened? that’s right, you two started fooling around behind our backs. but you know what? because we’re such nice friends, we let the two of you continue your relationship, under the condition which YOU set stating you two would break up before we moved in together. but did you? no. you two told us to “go fuck yourselves.” thank you for ruining the dynamic of our household and the friendship the three of us girls had. all because you two wanted to play house.
you’ve ruined my best friend. you’ve changed her from being the nice, funny, innocently naive girl we all loved so much to a drug-addicted, inconsiderate female version of yourself. congratulations, you’ve ruined her life. her parents were right about you. and as if that wasn’t enough, you constantly put her down, telling her she “doesn’t deserve” you, “would be nothing” without you, and wouldn’t have friends without you. when, in fact, you don’t deserve her, you are nothing, and she had friends before you. and now, no one wants anything to do with either of you. you treat her like she’s your own personal drug mule, once again proving that you really don’t care about anyone but yourself. you constantly flirt with other girls, and everyone can tell that you and your “best girl friend” are more than friends.
you’ve turned on my other best friend. and this, honestly, astounds me. you two were best friends. since day one. what happened? oh, i know, you became the most insufferable asshole for her to be around. not to mention you lied straight to her face when she asked if you and our other friend were hooking up and getting together. you treated her like shit, yelled at her until she cried multiple times, and all because you didn’t get your way. you didn’t deserve her as a friend and you don’t deserve her as a roommate.
how dare you go around and tell everyone we know that my boyfriend and i “aren’t serious” and “won’t last.” how is it your place to say anything of the sort? it’s not your business, whatsoever. we’ve been together for over a year and are happily in love and committed to each other. and then you try and be best friends with him? how dare you!
you also have the biggest drug habit of anyone i’ve ever seen. and apparently, doing the drugs isn’t enough for you, you have to sell them too. it’s one thing for you to indulge in your habits, but selling them puts all of us at risk, but of course you don’t care. i wonder if you know that your former roommates reported you several times for dealing from you room? of course, by some devilish luck, someone warned you and was nice enough to hide your shit in their room. but did you thank them? of course not. you berated them and yelled at them until your face turned blue for “taking your stash.” you should have been arrested, but you weren’t because they put themselves on the line for you, and of course you act like an ungrateful fucking child. and now you’re considering making acid in our house? i want to know how many times you were dropped on your head for you to think that that is an acceptable hobby for you to take on. of course, you being the most inconsiderate person on the planet, you don’t realize that puts our entire house at risk. or if you do, that makes you an even bigger douche.
i haven’t even addressed how you’ve treated me. at first, i kept my distance from you, not quite sure what kind of a person you were. and of course, as soon as i let you into my life, and decided to be your roommate, your true persona reared its ugly fucking head. you talked shit about me and my boyfriend. you caused unrelenting, annoying, ugly drama. you threw a childish temper tantrum in the middle of a grocery store because i didn’t pay as much for food for the house as you did; the difference being a measly 2 fucking dollars. you stole my ipod speakers, which i was kind enough to lend to you so you could use it while camping. i know for a fact that it’s in your car, yet every time i ask for it back you deny ever having it. i won’t even address the fact that you were away for the month and the house was spotless, and you came home and in not even 24 hours the house was overrun with all of your shit. i can’t even believe how you made such a mess in such a short time. but, being the nice person i am, i tried to clean up your mess. in doing so, i slipped on your car keys (which were on the floor for god knows why), and fell onto my twice operated on elbow, breaking your bong in the process. did you care that i once again injured my elbow, resulting in further nerve damage, loss of feeling in my fingers, a round of steroids, and possible surgery? OF FUCKING COURSE NOT. all you cared about was your precious fucking glass bong. how the fuck dare you tell everyone that i owe you $310 for a glass bong that got broken due to an accident was essentially YOUR fault. you want me to pay for your broken bong? how about you pay for my hospital bill, doctors appointment, prescribed medications, and surgery that came from my fall? i apologized to you profusely, but yet you still treat me as if i had done this worst thing imaginable. it’s a fucking bong, the fact that you spent $310 on it just makes you seem like a pathetic person. there is no way i will ever pay you back for that. that is the last straw. i am officially done with you.
i regret ever becoming friends with you. you are no longer my friend. now, you’re the guy i have to put up with because he’s my best friend’s boyfriend. when you guys break up, i will have absolutely nothing to say to or do with you. worst of all, you’ve made me feel a fool. i should have trusted my instincts to not become friends with you, and ever since i have you’ve been the worst friend i’ve ever know.
you know what is the worst part about all of this, though? no matter how much i hate you, how little i want to do with you, and how much i want to scream and yell and physically hurt you, i won’t. because no matter how badly you treat me, i could never stoop so low as a human being to do any of the things you’ve done to me. i’m a much better person than you, and i know that.
i just hope, for your sake, you realize how horrible you truly are and one day change your ways. i don’t care if that happens while you are still around me, because i’m beyond done with dealing with you.
and i hope you remember that karma is a much bigger bitch than you.
by admin at Letters I’ll Never Send • August 30, 2011
Go L%#@ Yourself, MotherLover
It wasn’t lost on anybody that Justin Bieber’s Love Yourself was truly an Eff U Letter. Justin admitted that the song was definitely about someone in Bieber’s past but wouldn’t say just who.
Love Yourself
For all the times that you rain on my parade
And all the clubs you get in using my name
You think you broke my heart, oh, girl for goodness’ sake
You think I’m crying on my own. Well, I ain’t
And I didn’t wanna write a song
‘Cause I didn’t want anyone thinking I still care. I don’t,
But you still hit my phone up
And, baby, I be movin’ on
And I think you should be somethin’ I don’t wanna hold back,
Maybe you should know that
My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
And I’ve been so caught up in my job,
Didn’t see what’s going on
But now I know,
I’m better sleeping on my own
‘Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I’m still holdin’ on to somethin’
You should go and love yourself
And when you told me that you hated my friends
The only problem was with you and not them
And every time you told me my opinion was wrong
And tried to make me forget where I came from
And I didn’t wanna write a song
‘Cause I didn’t want anyone thinking I still care. I don’t,
But you still hit my phone up
And, baby, I be movin’ on
And I think you should be somethin’ I don’t wanna hold back,
Maybe you should know that
My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
And I’ve been so caught up in my job,
Didn’t see what’s going on
But now I know,
I’m better sleeping on my own
‘Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I’m still holdin’ on to somethin’
You should go and love yourself
For all the times that you made me feel small
I fell in love. Now I feel nothin’ at all
And never felt so low when I was vulnerable
Was I a fool to let you break down my walls?
‘Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I’m still holdin’ on to somethin’
You should go and love yourself
‘Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think (you think) that I’m (that I’m) still holdin’ on (holdin’ on) to somethin’
You should go and love yourself
Written by Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran and Benny Blanco 2015
Those Damned Illogical 4-Year-Olds!
Let them Eat (Humble) Pie (Charts).
An Open Letter to Employers with Ridiculous Requirements
April 11, 2013 by Slim Jackson
Dear Wayward Employer,
I’m writing you this letter because I was perusing your website and saw a job that looked awesome. I read through the description and everything about the job was me. Then I read the “requirements and qualifications” and found myself flabbergasted and appalled. I’ve done everything you describe in the responsibilities, but some of your requirements are…umm, how can I say this? Ridiculous? Kobe bullshit? And this is why you’re single.
I have five years of experience in this stuff, so I can talk ish and back it up. My problem? You’re asking candidates to have a Master’s and industry certifications, but you’re paying 35k. In the words of the graceful Sweet Brown…
I love — well, loved — your company and all, but this ain’t what my student loans are here for. This ain’t what my job search is here for. I’m supposed to be progressing professionally and financially. I don’t send money to my Capital One 360 (RIP ING) account so that I can take a job doing what I do well for less than I’ve ever done it. And I damn sure ain’t going back to school to get an extra degree just so you can pay me in monopoly money. F*ck. That.
Aight, so I just clicked another job on your site for giggles. An entry level customer service job to be specific. This sh*t is pitiful.
You’re requiring a Bachelor’s, experience with six technologies and a past life as a dragon. THIS IS AN ENTRY LEVEL CUSTOMER SERVICE JOB! If I was a college senior, I’d be tight right now. Tuition for telephones? Terrible. Just five years ago, this same job only required a high school diploma, a positive outlook, and a nice personality. But this mess you’re talking…
You’re lucky I’m at my computer.
You should read up on degree inflation and understand how much a part of the problem you are. Then again, you probably know this already and are ready to say “It’s a buyer’s market for employers thanks to the recession.”
Yes, we’re still coming out of a recession, but this foolishness you’re on will come back to bite you in the ass when things pick up. The person you get to take that 35k job will be gone with the wind as soon as the job market rebounds. Then you’ll spend the money you thought you saved trying to recruit and train his or her replacement. You’ll take a bigger loss than Ross… and I clearly don’t mean weight.
If and when I come back to your site, I’m sure I’ll see another ridiculous job posting. Maybe you’ll only be hiring janitors from ivy league schools, or secretaries with MBAs and five years of experience…for 30K. Eat 30K rocks.
Wayward employer, may you get stuck in a cabin in the woods with the ghost of recessions past. May you be slapped repeatedly by Dikembe Mutumbo, or covered in a thousand dirty diapers. I rebuke you, your insulting salary, and your ridiculous “requirements.”
Without Regards,