Thank you for your interest in participating in the collection. is an archive of unfriendly letters intended to tell someone or something just where they can go. Perhaps you’ve received or have given a nasty letter to incite a break-up, unloaded on your boss or the company you work for, to quit your job or just to vent. Maybe you wrote a letter to someone just to get something off your chest. Perhaps it was an exercise in catharsis and you wrote a letter that there was no chance you would ever send.
Here at we hope to build a vast archive so people can freely use the letters for their personal purposes, helping them say what needs to be said. For those who need to lay something on the line to heal or to burn a bridge.
By submitting a letter you confirm that you are the writer and that you hold all of the publishing rights of the letter. By submitting, you also understand that you are giving Eff U Letters and it’s ownership the right to publish your letter as we see fit with no restrictions and with all necessary rights and ownership. Having said that, we will give you credit whenever possible because, let’s face it: you matter.
So please submit your letters, burn your bridges, tell your boss what you really think of them as if you just won $50 Million, dump your loser boyfriend, tell your girlfriend that you slept with her sister, out of spite of course – you get my drift?
Don’t worry about your technical skills, we’ll fix that up (if we can) and don’t worry about your language because this site isn’t for kids (unless they’re really cool and rebellious kids).
Please check out the guidelines for submissions for more information.
Eff U Letters will do its due diligence to credit the owners of materials sourced. Links to the source and credit will be stated when possible. If we’ve missed anything, please do not hesitate to let us know and we will do our best to correct errors and annotate if credit has not been properly given. Thank U.